You want to take good care of your new Ragdoll Kitten. Here are some important tips so your Ragdoll Kitten will adjust and flourish in their new home.
Ragdoll Kitten Transportation
The Ragdoll kitten, according to the law, must travel in a suitable pet carrier which makes thus the traveling safe for both the cat and the people in the car. Obviously, it is essential for the safety of the Ragdoll kitten.
It is important to make the trip as less traumatic and stressful as possible, so try to make the carrier comfortable inside, by placing a pillow and a nice blanket; in this way the Ragdoll kitten will feel more secure and will face better the journey in the car.
Arrival in the new house
It is necessary to get the house ready to welcome the kitten: we must organize the spaces dedicated to the cat. Small measures will help you to protect him from possible accidents.
Let’s remember that the Ragdoll kitten feels a little confused on the arrival in the new home, this is because leaving the cattery he or she has lost the reference points (mother, siblings, people and familiar surroundings), it is therefore useful to organize the arrival for the week-end in order to be able to dedicate more time to your new Ragdoll kitten.
The adaptation of the Ragdoll kitten in the new house is a very delicate stage and should be done gradually and peacefully.
The environment is unfamiliar to the Ragdoll kitten, so anything may possibly upset it in this already very delicate phase. Avoid therefore:
- Screaming and loud voice tones (generated by too much emphasis and excitement)
- To pass it from person to person like a lifeless object.
Give your Ragdoll kitten to get used to a new place, trying to create a peaceful atmosphere, in this way it will become a calm Ragdoll cat, sure of himself, gentle and above all a treasured member of your family!
Ragdoll Kitten Hygiene
The grooming of the Ragdoll kitten is not hard, just get a metal double sided teeth comb (narrow / wide) and comb it twice a week.
First you should use the comb with the wide teeth in the direction of the growth hair and then against the growth in a way to remove gently the dust, the dead hairs and eventually some small knots. Then you should move to the fine comb.
During the molting period (spring and summer) this operation must be repeated several times a day; on the other hand, those who decide to adopt a Ragdoll kitten must be willing to find a few minutes every day for taking care of it.
BATHING: The Ragdoll kitten himself is very clean, but sometimes, especially in the summer, it is better to give him a bath. So, it is important to let your Ragdoll kitten get used to the water since he is small without traumatizing him and if he reacts with hostility, not to insist.
The water temperature should be about 36 ° – 37 ° degrees and it is important to use a special shampoo for cats, otherwise you risk skin irritation.
ORAL HYGIENE: The milk teeth grow between the second and the sixth week of life, the permanent ones starting from the fourth month. With time passing the tartar tends to deposit on the teeth; by using dry food which is hard and crunchy you tend to remove the tartar by friction.
CLEANING OF THE EARS: The basic rule is to touch them the least possible. Never use the ear swabs or detergents on water or alcoholic base, the veterinarian will recommend a suitable detergent.
DIGESTIVE HYGIENE: Often little hair balls are formed in the stomach of the Ragdoll kitten or Ragdoll cat, this happens due to the ingestion of the hairs during the cleaning; unfortunately the cats are unable to expel from the mouth the accumulation of dead hairs because of the hundreds of barbs directed inwards, which cover their tongue.
Usually ingesting of the hair does not present problems, but in case of accumulation in the stomach there is a risk of hairball formation; the first signs of this disorder are constipation, coughing and shortness of breath, especially after a meal, lack of interest in food.
The best thing to do to prevent this problem is to regularly brush the Radoll kitten in a way to remove the dead hair from the fur, making thus the hair swallowing far less likely.
The Ragdoll kitten loves being brushed so this will be a good opportunity to create an emotional bond with your kitten and relax while you brush him; Much attention should be given during the molting periods (in spring), when you should repeat the operation more frequently.
There are several products available in commercial for the prevention of these disorders which are usually recommended dosages 2 times a week and the specific dry food to expel the dead hairs with feces.
Veterinarian for your Ragdoll Kitten
Choose a professional who has the following characteristics:
- Close enough or easily reachable
- He is really interested in animals, especially cats
- He is precise in reminding patients the recalls for vaccines or other controls
- He is available for emergency services
- He is able to provide appropriate nutrition tips.
Diet for Ragdoll Kitten
The basis of your Ragdoll kitten’s diet should be a high-quality balanced premium commercial kitten food that is appropriate for their life stage and health status. By reading the label, you can discern if the brand is appropriate for the age of the kitten. We strongly advise a diet of wet food with additional water added to enhance kidney health which will lead to longevity.
Please adhere to the diet they are on before you consider switching their diet abruptly could lead to weight loss. We are currently using Royal Canin kitten… both canned (wet) and we do also provide some dry. We want them to maintain their weight and grow like the healthy kittens they are here! It is also generally not recommended to switch your cat to a cheaper kibble, even temporarily, unless it is a similar high-quality formula.
You should never feed puppy or dog food to your Exotic Shorthair or Exotic Longhair kittens as they will be deficient in taurine.
Do not provide cows milk, this can cause gastrointestinal upsets.
Clean Food and Water Dishes Daily
Ensure clean fresh drinking water is available at all times for your Ragdoll kittens.
Also ensure to clean the food dishes daily. Do not add fresh cat food on top of old cat food from the day before. The food on the bottom even if dry can go bad due to moisture or being left in the bottom of the food bowl for many days. Your kitten may quit eating and loose weight before you notice or get sick from accidentally consuming moldy food.
Toxic Plants
List of the main toxic plants for cats:
Cyclamen, Agrifoglio, mistletoe, Wisteria, Azalea, Rhododendron, Poinsettia, Oleander, Poinsettia, Ivy, Acuba, domestic pea, Ficus, Philodendron.
Litter Trays
Place a litter tray in a quiet and private area for your Ragdoll kitten to use when they need to go to the toilet. We use Fresh Step Extreme with Febreze Clumping Cat Litter. We like it because its low dust.

Wiseacres Ragdoll Kitten Breeder
Wiseacres Ragdoll Kittens is a small boutique breeder and a TICA Outstanding Cattery of Ragdoll kittens for sale located outside Booneville, Arkansas. For over 20 years we have a breeder of Ragdoll kittens that are outstandingly beautiful, friendly and healthy. We only raise a small number of Ragdoll kitten litters per year with a limited number of Ragdoll kittens for sale.