Wiseacres Ragdoll Kittens

How To Train Your Ragdoll Kitten To Walk On A Leash

Walk a Ragdoll Kitten On A Leash

There are many different types of pets that you can take on walks, but what about Ragdoll kittens? In particular, can I take my Ragdoll kitten on a walk with a leash? Kittens and cats are naturally pretty independent animals and don’t require much attention from their owners. So why would they want to go … Read more

Care Tips For Your Ragdoll Kitten

Blue Point Ragdoll Kitten in Orlando, Florida

You want to take good care of your new Ragdoll Kitten. Here are some important tips so your Ragdoll Kitten will adjust and flourish in their new home. Ragdoll Kitten Transportation The Ragdoll kitten, according to the law, must travel in a suitable pet carrier which makes thus the traveling safe for both the cat and … Read more